Privacy Policy

The following is a privacy policy regarding the web page of Deep Wind Offshore,

What information do we collect?

We collect information such as sites on the domain visited, operating system and device, time spent on page and events such as click on e-mail address or phone number. This is, however, aggregated data, meaning it exists only as averages, percentages and numbers without a specific sender. Non-aggregated information is stored when a contact form is submitted with name and email address.

How do we use the collected information?

The information collected on this web site is used to optimize the user experience and functionality. Behavioural data is used to enhance the site based on how the user interacts and navigates on in order to create an intuitive and insightful experience.

How do we collect the information?

Deep Wind Offshore collects data through the use of digital tools and forms. The forms are used in order for the user to connect with us, and only for this purpose. Sending a form triggers an email to be sent to DWO containing the information the user has entered.

Information is also stored automatically using Cookies. We use the Squarespace Analytics tool on this website to analyse trends and behavioural patterns in order to better the user experience. This information is automatically deleted 24 months after the last visit. The Squarespace Analytics tool does not collect any personal information on the user.

What are Cookies? utilizes cookies to enhance the functionality of the web site. Different types of cookies are used for different activities. Session cookies are used only when a person is actively navigating a website; once you leave the site, the session cookie disappears. Tracking cookies may be used to create long-term records of multiple visits to the same site. This is how, for example, a website remembers your password between sessions. Cookies do not affect how your computer runs, can not identify you specifically, and does not contain viruses. Most internet browsers utilize cookies for functionality, but you can adjust the settings to decline cookies overall - or specifically decline from third party actors. Note that this may cause you to lose certain functionalities on other web sites relying on said cookies such as ecommerce or log-in.

If you have any questions regarding privacy on this website, please do not hesitate to contact us.